Research papers
Two Minute Papers - short videos showcasing the latest and greatest AI research.
Fermat’s Library Journal Club is a platform for illuminating academic papers.
the morning paper presents an interesting/influential/important paper from the world of CS every weekday morning.
SciRate is a free and open access scientific collaboration network.
Papers We Love papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
Kevin Kelly on understanding technical papers:
The best way I’ve found to understand a very technical or scientific paper is to search YouTube for someone to explain it. The ideal is to find a journal club report. Journal clubs are informal groups who share the task of explaining an interesting paper to each other. Each member rotates in picking a paper to explain to their peers. This is 100 times better than having the author explain it, because authors assume too much prior knowledge. It is better to have a newbie who just figured it out. If you are lucky, a journal club will video their reports and post. Search YouTube with the paper’s title or topic and add the term “journal club.”
Create a new bookmark. Paste the code below in the URL box. When you are on a site with a paper behind a paywall, click on the new bookmark you've created. It's a quicker way of typing in front of the article's URL.
I don't use sci-hub unless the paper was financed through public means and ended up behind a paywall.
The Dark Rule Utilitarian Argument for Science Piracy by Scott Alexander
How to read science papers: How to read an academic article, How to read and understand a scientific paper, Advice on reading academic papers, Should I Read Papers?
arXiv Vanity renders academic papers from arXiv as responsive web pages so you don’t have to squint at a PDF.
How I Research by Aceso Under Glass
Academic Torrents - a distributed system for sharing enormous datasets - for researchers, by researchers.
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