Command Line Tools
CLI tools I love
neovim is my default text-editor.
git for version control.
fzf - command-line fuzzy finder.
tmux - terminal multiplexer.
Translate Shell - easy access to translation engines in your terminal.
Todo.txt - simple todo list based on a todo.txt file.
bat - a cat(1) clone with wings.
exa - a modern replacement for ‘ls’.
httpie - a modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era.
openvpn - an open source VPN daemon.
protonvpn-cli-ng - command-line client for ProtonVPN
ranger - a VIM-inspired filemanager for the console.
tldr - simplified and community-driven man pages. - easy file sharing from the command line.
youtube-dl to download videos from youtube and other sites.
mps-youtube - terminal based YouTube player.
mpv - media player.
how2 - stackoverflow from the terminal.
pnpm - fast, disk space efficient package manager
ddgr - search DuckDuckGo from the command line.
mutt - terminal email client.
thefuck corrects errors in previous console commands.
diff-so-fancy - make your diffs human readable instead of machine readable.
btop - a cool monitor of resources.
streamlink - a CLI utility which pipes video streams from various services into a video player.
r/commandline - for questions, tips, and interesting programs.
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